Indoor Fun For Kids: Tips and Ideas

Author: Jenna Sherman

When it's time for play, sending your kids outside to explore nature and have fun is always great. What about when there's bad weather or they need to stay inside? It doesn't have to be the end of the world — there are plenty of fun and educational things to entertain kids indoors.

Arts and Crafts

Creating art stimulates many areas of the brain and is fun for kids. Some children love to have structured crafts to complete. Practice in following directions is great for them. However, giving kids access to create their own crafts helps them think outside the box and lets them express themselves. A simple way to provide this is by keeping a cabinet or shelf stocked with random items, such as pipe cleaners, glue, glitter, tissue paper, markers, and anything else you can imagine. As a bonus, keep a box full of recyclable items, including water bottles and boxes. It's a good opportunity for kids to learn about recycling, and it's inexpensive, too.

STEM Activities

In schools, there's a large push on learning in the science, technology, engineering, and math fields. Any activities kids complete in these subjects are sure to help them in the future, on top of being just plain fun. Try completing science experiments, building challenges with Lego or blocks, or programs to learn how to code. No matter your child's favorite subject, there are plenty of ideas for fun indoor activities. 

Activity Centers

If you need to stay indoors but also need to get away from home, an activity center is a fun solution. Try looking for an indoor pool: Many are open year-round so you can even swim in the winter. In Santa Ana, California, you can find swimming pools, gymnastics centers, miniature golf, and play areas. These allow your kids to jump, run, and release energy without being exposed to the elements.

Imagine a Small Business

Another fun way for kids to spend a rainy day is to imagine what it would be like to own their own business. They can learn about entrepreneurship and have fun creating products. For instance, they could start an imaginary clothing business. Think about products and supplies. Use a tool for your clothing logo design that allows them to use their own fonts and images. Perhaps they can create the items by sewing clothes for dolls or decorating outgrown clothes.

Make a Fort

Who doesn't love building a fort? Buy a kit that provides a framework to build, or go old school and use couch cushions, pillows, tables, and chairs to build up walls. For an added bonus, let kids create a fort in their room and spend the night inside like an indoor campout. You can get everyone in on the fun by making the fort into a neighborhood with each room having its own creation or by joining them together with tunnels for an epic play space.

Make Indoor Time Fun

Just because you're stuck inside doesn't mean boredom rules. There are a host of entertaining and educational activities to keep your kids busy for days. These ideas are only the tip of the iceberg.

Check out Jump Start Swimming for swimming lessons in Huntington Beach and other resources while you have fun with your family, no matter the weather. 

For more tips for kids, please visits Jenna Sherman’s website